After my recent post about withdrawal, I started thinking about the many varieties of birth control methods we have out there when we start combining methods, especially when you have a handle on what is happening with our cycle and know exactly when you are fertile based on charting your cycles with the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness.
Many ladies that have learned fertility awareness do so after having come off hormonal contraceptives a while back and then they start feeling stuck. What do you do besides use condoms all of the time? Umm… And what do you do when you also aren’t using condoms all of the time (but, you know, intended to)?
I’ve always been a big recommend-er of using condoms during your fertile time for a few reasons:
1.) Easy to get/cheap
2.) They don’t interfere with checking your cervical fluid (as long as you don’t use lube/spermicide)
3.) they are relatively effective (thought not as effective as fertility awareness only and abstaining/alternate sex during your fertile phase)
BUT(!) they aren’t for everyone. Honestly, myself included. Even if it is just a small portion of your cycle that you have to use protection you may still not want to use condoms.
I personally started off using them during my fertile phase and now just use withdrawal (I also care less about an accidental pregnancy at this point in my life if one were to happen than when I first started using fertility awareness).
But what are all the options? The pros and cons? I talk a lot about the different birth control methods you can use in my HER fertility course (and how to combine them with fertility awareness), and I have a free course including non-hormonal birth control options, but I love hearing person stories and what has worked best for you. So, tell me…
If you use fertility awareness and use other birth control methods during your fertile phase: What do you use and why? Has that changed over time and are you happy with it?
If you don’t use fertility awareness but are interested in it: Let me know what you use now. And what makes you hesitant to use fertility awareness?
Me and my boyfriend use Femcap and withdrawal for all PIV acts from CD1 and up until I have confirmed ovulation with the temp + 3 rule and peak + 4 rule. Admittedly, the symptothermal method is extremely effective even when you have sex during the first five days (or 3, depending on your past cycle lengths) and on evenings of dry days, but my reasoning is that early ovulation account for the small percentage that actually do get pregnant when the method has been used perfectly at all times. I feel safer not having unprotected sex at all prior to confirmed ovulation. I might perhaps never want children, so I am extremely cautious. I am very diligent about the use of my Femcap, I make sure to always apply more Contragel if it’s been more than two hours since I applied it and it’s time for sex. I check the position after all acts of sex to see if it’s still in place. I wait 6 hours to remove it. My boyfriend also always withdraws and we both know what perfect use of withdrawal entails. Another reason not to use condoms is the waste factor. I don’t like disposable things.
I think that’s a realllly smart idea if you don’t want kids. It’s always up to the individual and their comfort level.
I totally agree with condoms and waste :) Of course, that doesn’t lead me to discouraging their use. I just don’t like using them myself. I have been thinking about a fem cap lately. I am fine with w/d during the fertile phase, though, so I’ll probably just end up sticking with it.
God, I loved the pill… until the side effects came along (they became unbearable about a year after the first take). It’s been a month since I stopped taking it, and now we use the symptothermal method… but it’s been a rough start.
Is it ok to pair up FAM with the pill with withdrawal in this kind of situation?
Well, right now I’d recommend using barriers until you have a regular cycle (I’m assuming after just a month you are not cycling regularly yet).
But sympto-thermal gets better as your cycles regulate and as you get used to it (it becomes second nature).
Regarding your question about FAM pill and withdrawal.. I’m not sure what you mean. Can you tell me specifically how you want to combine them?
Sorry, now I read it I don’t understand my own question either, I believe I spaced out while writing it and then posted without checking.
You already answered already in your comment, It was about using withrawal in my situation. I think we’ll just get creative and avoid intercourse as much as we can because, where I come from, condoms are rather expensive for a steady couple.