How far along? 24 weeks. Everyone keeps saying I’m at the age of viability and I’m like: STOP SAYING THAT! It feels like people wishing a pre-term labor on you to me.
How big is the baby? I don’t know the specifics on my own baby, but in general they are about 12 inches and 1 and 1/3 lb. I saw something this morning saying the crown to rump measurement is about the length of the short side of a piece of paper. I looked at a piece of paper and almost cried. Ohhh pregnancy hormones.
I can definitely tell they are growing a lot based on the movements. They are definitely different and getting stronger and stronger. I know I have nothing else to base this on since this is my only pregnancy, but I’m pretty sure this baby is ACTIVE.
Total weight gain/loss? I started at 123 and right now I am 142, so I’ve already gained a total of 19 lbs. My weight gain has really slowed and I feel like most of the time when my weight goes up it’s water weight (unfortunately, every time we get a heat wave I swell). I think I might have a pound or so of “extra” water weight right now, but it’s not bad. Thank goodness for the cooler weather this week.
Maternity clothes? My most comfortable thing right now are some pants I bought as big winter PJ pants. I don’t think they are technically supposed to be pajama pants, but I think they’d have to be a lot tighter on me to look like anything else. They are a size 6 (which is why it doesn’t make sense how big they are) 100% cotton knit fabric but with a wide elastic waistband (covered by the cotton fabric, so really soft). The waist is sooooo comfy. I think I hate having a belly panel over my belly, but a lot of the non-belly panel stuff cuts into my belly, so these are a great compromise (other than dresses).
I still hate maternity clothes. Haha.
Sleep? I almost hate sleep right now. Sleeping on my back is starting to make me short of breath, so I only have my side left. Sleeping on my side hurts my back. I have been waking up 2-3x/night to pee, which I think is partially because I am so restless that I wake up and just need to pee anyway. One night I slept like a rock and only woke up once to pee, which is what leads me to believe that.
I really think I just need a firmer mattress, but buying a new mattress sounds terrible.
Best moment this month? Getting done with moving, having strangers noticed I am pregnant and not just fat, talking to the baby a bit since they can hear now.
Symptoms? *sigh* Let’s just say this hasn’t been the greatest month. I started having gallbladder pain, which can be somewhat common in pregnancy. Conventional advice is to eat low fat. Well, I don’t really think that eating low fat is good for me or the baby, nor is it great for long term gallbladder health. Here is what I have been doing do far:
- I’ve been eating my fats spaced out throughout the day, never TOO much at once.
- I am taking some supplements: Milk thistle, magnesium, herbal bitters, and digestive enzymes.
- I am drinking apple cider vinegar and apple juice concoctions twice daily with added psyllium husk powder for the fiber.
Emotionally is was quite hard when it started happening since I work so hard at my health. Having things “go wrong” regardless can make you feel a little helpless and of course worried.
Food cravings? I still haven’t had anything unbearable, but I’d say some of my biggest right now are:
- Milk (I would do soooo much for a glass of goat milk right now, but because of it being a food I am sensitive to I am trying hard to avoid dairy)
- Banana milkshake (I’m going to have a blender again after today, so I can actually make this happen)
- Carrots/cucumbers and hummus
- Sweet potatoes
- Sandwiches. My husband has been eating sandwiches and they look awesome. I can’t eat wheat though, and gluten free bread is disgusting, so.
Food aversions? None. I switched from the red rice I had been eating to brown because that sounded so much better, but that’s about it.
Baby’s sex? No idea, but I’ve been more often leaning towards it being a girl.
Labor signs? Definitely not yet, but I have started noticing braxton hick contractions. At first I thought they were baby bunching up on one side of my uterus, but then I realized when I felt for the baby my whole uterus would be hard.
Belly button in or out? Same as last time: So very out! I have kind of half an outie anyway, so I knew it’d happen fast and furious.
What I miss? Good sleep.
What I’m looking forward to? I’m sort of looking forward to the 3rd trimester and getting to know the baby’s personality while in utero more. Not really super pregnancy related, but we just moved and I am looking forward to being done organizing (in our last place we had built in shelves so we didn’t have a bookcase and now we need one).
Things I HAVEN’T done this month? I’m not really even sure what I would normally be doing in between week 20 and 24. I don’t think I’ve denied anything I’ve been offered during this time. Still really haven’t done anything medical. I’d say my biggest “haven’t done” things would be in the way I’ve dealt with the issues I’ve had so far. With my swelling I have increased protein and salt intake, which has helped. With the gallbladder I have what I did above listed. With little aches and pains I’ve gone to the chiropractor (one who specializes in prenatal).
How I’m trying to ensure a healthy pregnancy?
- Good diet
- Positioning exercises
- Walking a lot
- Working on gallbladder health
- Going to the chiropractor
You look amazing! Congratulations!
Thank you :)
Can only agree with Flavia! :-) Especially considering that you’ve just moved and the gallbladder and these contractions you talked about … lots going on. Well done and all the best ;-)
Braxton hick contractions are totally normal! They start early in pregnancy but you only start to feel them as your uterus gets bigger. They are totally painless they just make your uterus really hard for maybe a minute. :)
Thanks for the update! Have you considered going to see someone that practices The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy for pregnancy? Definitely recommend it. Would be happy to but a bit to far away. Just know that I still recommend your website to my clients here in Singapore. Take care and looking forward to the next update.
You know, I know that people do it in pregnancy, but I don’t know much about the benefits in pregnancy. Do you have any resources on what they are you could link? I do know the self-care for non-preggos, though!