Did you know that charting two signs your body gives you will give you a good estimation of your progesterone levels and there are some simple things you can try to do to raise those levels if they are low?
Unfortunately, low progesterone is really common. Though this is often not severe enough to affect fertility, there are many other things that can be affected, as seen in my post about why to work on your hormonal health even if you aren’t trying to get pregnant.
So how might you discover that your progesterone is low? While charting, there are a few things that you can see that may point to low progesterone, without having to get blood or saliva tests! These include:
Temperatures on or below the cover line.
A slow temperature rise at ovulation.
Temperatures falling multiple days before the onset of menstruation.
Spotting multiple days before the onset of menstruation.
Brown spotting after menstruation.
A short luteal phase (it’s ideal if your luteal phase is 12-16 days, but 10 might not be a problem).
Fertile type cervical fluid during most of your luteal phase.
Tender breasts.
Alone, any of these happening may not mean much, but if you have a few of these symptoms there is a good chance your progesterone levels are low.
If you don’t know what any of that means, you may want to learn the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness. If you do know what that means, and think you have a few of those symptoms, here are some ideas for healthier progesterone levels.
How to increase progesterone levels naturally
De-stress. If you are chronically stressed and have your cortisol going in overdrive your progesterone levels are at stake. Cortisol production competes with progesterone production.
How is your cholesterol? Nope, I’m not wondering if your cholesterol is too high. If your cholesterol levels are too low you may not be making enough pregnenolone, which is used to make progesterone. Try eating farm eggs and grass-fed butter.
Healthy adrenals help. They house a steroid DHEA, that is essential in the production of progesterone. One way to help foster adrenal health is by working with natural circadian rhythms. Try to get to sleep earlier (like by 10 at the latest) and get up earlier. A herb that helps with adrenal health is nettle (which makes a delicious infusion).
Vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B6 is essential to forming a good corpus luteum, which is your big progesterone producer. Magnesium is important to break down excess estrogens, so making sure you have good levels of magnesium can help the balance of estrogen and progesterone. Vitamin C is proven to help raise progesterone levels. Keep in mind that the first way to get in the nutrition you need is through good food, not supplements.
Eat organically. This is to help minimize exposure to estrogen, which, if out of balance with progesterone, will give you the same symptoms as a progesterone deficiency. Particularly make sure your animal products are organic.
Herbs. Turmeric, thyme, and oregano are all thought to help raise progesterone levels. Vitex (chasteberry) is known to help balance hormones overall. Though, this reportedly kills libido in some women and would be the last on the list of things to try! If you choose to use vitex, I love Lara Briden’s post on dos and don’ts of taking vitex.
These are some ideas to get you started. As with any healing you do, what you choose to use is going to be dependent on what has caused the issue and what you seem to do best on. The above listed methods are things that should help your health overall and are quite benign. If you do not want to wait or have not had luck with anything holistic, you may want to consult your doctor or other health care practitioner for synthetic or natural progesterone sources.
I am 38 yrs. old and have had lifelong dysmenorrhea. My pain is excruciating on and off for 5 days after beginning my cycle. I’ve never been pregnant.
I’ve noticed that eating foods that supposedly have natural progesterone: spinach, eggs, sweet potato, walnuts help GREATLY! They deliver relief that lasts for hours.
What does this say about me? Is there any way of knowing where my system is broken?
Hi Kristin, Thanks for the comment!
Dysmenorrhea, if it is primary dysmennorhea (meaning you have rule out endometriosis, PID, fibroids, etc.) is generally an imbalance of prolongations.
You can check out my post on dysmenorrhea for some recommendations here: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/period-pain/
Another thing you may want to look into (and this could help if it’s secondary dysmenorrhea, too) is Mayan Abdominal Massage. You generally can visit them once and learn a self-care uterine massage that can really help blood flow and placement of your uterus (which can, in some cases, contribute to cramps).
Please feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.
I haven’t had a period for 85 days, I was told by one doctor I have PCOS— and that I needed to lose 40 lbs. I did try this and still trying to lose weight- I am 28 and it isn’t ever easy. (I was at 188 and currently down to 168). This helped for a while, at least I would have a period every other month, but they were still never consistent in length or timing. She also prescribed me some birth control (my period that month was for 13 days).
I went for a second opinion, the following doctor told me my body doesn’t make enough estrogen. She said that because I wasn’t worried about having children right now, it’s not a big deal, and we can focus on it more when I want to start trying to have children.
If there is anything I can do on my own to try and help regulate my body, with out pills I will be trying. Thank you for your information, I will add a few selected foods to my weekly diet plan.
Hi Brenda, thanks for the comment!
It makes me absolutely want to scream hearing what your doctor told you. As if healthy hormones and reproductive system is only good for having a baby. But, I digress…
Unfortunately, birth control isn’t regulating your hormones, just giving your cycle the appearance of “normal” (and, as you found out, sometimes not even doing that).
Especially without really diving into your history, I would recommend just trying a few very good for you things and tracking how that works for you.
I would try to eat primarily whole foods, make sure in those foods you are getting carbs, protein, and fat. Fats that are better tend to be saturated fats like butter, coconut oil, and other animal fats. Limit vegetable oil, corn oil, soy oil, canola oil. Good carbs are things like fruits, potatoes and sweet potatoes, and smaller amounts of grains like rice, oats, etc.
If you can swing it, it’s also best to get naturally raised animal products (grass fed/pastured) and organic (or just from a farmer’s market) produce.
You can also check out my video on herbs that are good for fertility/hormones, which may help you out.
Link: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/herbs-for-hormonal-health-and-fertility/
What about your sleep and stress patterns? You may want to try to sleep at least 8 hours a night and be in bed by ten. Try to do so in an absolutely dark room. Light pollution from windows can be a problem for some women.
If you find that you are very stressed, I would try to do something that tends to calm you. What is that for you? A walk every morning? Meditating? Yoga? Hanging out with friends and NOT worrying about XYZ?
Without knowing more I can’t say too much, but if you are interested I am going to be opening my program back up next month (or the end of this month) and you may enjoy learning fertility awareness and getting an awesome understanding of your body with it (and being able to track what is helping and what is not as you try things out).
You can sign up to be notified of when it opens here: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/learn/
Thank you very much for all information! I will definitely be looking into your program! :)
I am trying to have a baby. Had a miscarriage 4 days ago due to low progesterone levels. Please help by giving me advise on how I can maintain good levels for pregnancy.
I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Sending lots of good energy your way.
I would begin by implementing what I speak about in this post as well as looking over my post here: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/tips-for-a-healthy-balanced-endocrine-system/
Those are great staring points, and if you want to start charting your cycles it’s a great way to track how your hormone levels are changing over time.
You may also want to try: Acupuncture, mayan abdominal massage, or just going to a TCM doctor (you could google TCM doctor + your city to see if there is one near you). They can generally help with herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, and some other things.
Hope this helps :)
I’m 45 and it’s my 2nd go round with a period that just never ends. ( last event was 4 months ago). It trails off to almost nonexistent then Bam! Full blast it’s back: heavy bleeding for about 3-4 hrs , changing Ultra tampon/ overnight pads every hour…then gets light and 24 hrs later same pattern . No cramping like I used to get with my period. I get exhaustion, nauseous , then chills, overall feeling of not being well and the heavy bleeding commences . Dr had put me in 10mg Provera for 14 days and that completely stopped the bleeding within 4 hours and I fell back into a normal pattern except periods had been very light until last week when this heavy bleed pattern began again. I really don’t want to have the iud implanted or to have to go on BC, or worse yet, have the lining surgically removed. That seemed to be all the options I have been given – chemical or surgical. :( please help
Have you been told anything about what might be causing the bleeding? Do you by chance have fibroids?
Without knowing much, I can’t say much. I would do two things: Read Dr. Christiane Northrup’s book “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” (amazing book!) and look for a doctor that will support finding an alternative that you are comfortable with. This will probably be someone who is more holistic in scope. You may be able to get great support from someone who does mayan abdominal massage or perhaps an acupuncturist.
For any time that you are bleeding that heavily, make sure you are eating well and especially getting lots of minerals. I would also try herbal infusions, which may help balance some hormones and get your extra minerals. https://holistichormonalhealth.com/herbs-for-hormonal-health-and-fertility/
I’m 26 right now and we are not planning baby for next one year.
My periods have started becoming irregular. I’m quite worried. Really not sure what is wrong. My diet is still the same that I used to have earlier. I’ve put on little weight but not too much. I’m 5 ft 4inches and weigh 128 pounds….see its not that much. Can’t get it what changed the whole thing for me :(
You may want to start charting your cycles so that you can get a good idea of what is happening with your hormones. If you think it’s progesterone, use these tips. You can also see a write up a did about general hormones health here: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/tips-for-a-healthy-balanced-endocrine-system/
If you want to start charting your cycles you can check out the program I will be opening up next week (get your name on the list so you will be in the first group to know): https://holistichormonalhealth.com/learn/
Hi, I have been searching internet for help with hormonal imbalance after Mirena removal..I am 35 ,I had Mirena removed 1 year ago and continue to experience really embarrassing cystic acne and hair loss. Do you have any advice? It is so depressing to go to work and have people ask what’s wrong with my face :( I had my gynecologist run blood work, but she said its was all normal. I never had these problems before Mirena
Hi Izabela, thanks for the comment!
Mirena is typically harsh on your hormones and your hormones could very well still be regulating from mirena use.
Check out my article on coming off hormonal contraceptives to see some things you can do to help balance things out: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/coming-off-of-hormonal-contraceptives/
Thank you, I will!
I just had my second round of IVF and it failed same as my first round. I am 37 years old and during investigations have been told that I have low progesterone levels – my treatment included lots of progesterone supplements – pessaries and gel. I thank you for your post as wonder what I can take naturally to help boost my progesterone levels generally and not just when I I have IVF.
Thanks for your comment and good luck! Sometimes it can be interesting balancing our hormones out within the context of our modern lifestyles. One of my favorite books for some practical steps is “Natural Solutions to Infertility” by Marilyn Glenville.
I am currently 50 years old. When I was 30 I had a full hysterectomy. My doctor tried hormone therapy with me but I had severe pain in my breasts. Pain so bad it hurt to walk. At this point we called off any replacement hormones. I went on and did not notice a thing wrong with me. That is until 4 years ago. I started having anxiety attacks that seemed never ending. It was horrible. Afraid to leave the house most days. I knew this had to be hormone related but my regular MD wanted me to take Prozac and Xanax. One day I saw on Dr Oz about bio identical hormones. I searched and found a holistic doctor here that specialized in this. After she tested me I was flatlined on progesterone and estrogen. I have been using this system for a year and half and feel like new again. No more anxiety. My two questions are: 1) should I worry about any health risks with these types of hormones and 2) Would it be impossible to get this from food instead (if so what)? Thank You.
Hi, Sandi, thanks for the comment.
In your case, it’s probably better to have the bio-identical hormones since you have a total hysterectomy. Though I’m not the expert in what would be best in your individual case. I would definitely make sure you have a doctor you can trust, especially navigating how you should supplement hormones throughout what would be menopause.
I find the site helpful. I had a hormone profile test and my LH was 97.1 and progesterone level was 2.7. My doctor prescribed M2-tone for me and clomid. What else can I do, I want to be pregnant.
Hi Charity, Thanks for the comment.
You blood levels don’t mean much without knowing what day they were on (though LH does seem high, regardless of the cycle time). This could be age related or other (PCOS?). I would recommend start with other less invasive things first, especially if you are still young. If you have PCOS, you may want to check out the book Woman Code by Alisa Vitti. She outlines some ways you can try to overcome PCOS with diet and lifestyle.
Find a doctor you trust, they are not all created equal.
Still trying to get pregnant it’s been more than a year now.
Looks like you signed up for my first steps to pregnancy guide? Hope it helps you!
Im 34 trying for a baby with my husband for a year, just had a phone call from my doctor saying my progesterone is 23 instead of 30 so its low. After a copper coil removal my period is all over the place 25-32 days cycles one day normal bleeding two three days brown spoting I also have lower back pain and lighter lower abdominal pain for a few months. My doctor doesnt want to treat me or help my back pain or regulate my period and until my husband has a semen test. What do you think I could do to help my situation?
Thank you
It’s always good to have a semen test before you do anything. It’s cheaper and non-invasive. You can do a lot with diet and lifestyle to help your hormones levels improve, and you can learn to chart your cycle in my program which will help you understand what is going on with your hormones and what specifically you should be working on. You can view my general tips for hormonal health linked in the sidebar and my program in the navigation (work with me). My program is only open until the end of March, though, so if you are interested you should sign up now.
My friend has not concieve for 8yrs and doctor conformed. Her progesterone is low just yesterday.what will she do
Hi Esty, Thanks for the comment. I can only answer that with the above. Without knowing much about a person you can’t know exactly what to do.
I found your article very interesting reading! I’ve been looking for answers on low bbt and low progesterone might be the answer? I came off birth control pills 3 months ago and have had a 32, 25 and 24 day cycles with 12/13 day luteal phase. My pre ovulation temps have been 35.85-35.95 and post ovulation 36.25-36.45 which I have read are low and should be consistently higher towards 37. My periods have also been very very light, only lasting 1-2 days and only black/brown blood which only appears to be slightly heavier than spotting. I’m wondering whether what I’ve described is normal or should I be getting some tests for either thyroid issues or low progesterone? We are actively trying to get pregnant, I’m 30. Thank you!
They sound a bit low, but I wouldn’t worry yet. Your body is still getting back to normal after having taken hormones. I would recommend reading my article “Get rid of your birth control pills once and for all” and seeing my suggestions for regaining balance. Also, use some of the tips mentioned in this article.
May I just say a big thank you for this informative piece.
I have recently suffered a miscarriage at 4wks. I was told it is very common etc and there is no reason it should happen again.
But, I have had light bleeding after I ovulate for around 6 years now. With multiple visits to the doctor and no reason or explanation offered. In addition I have issues with my digestion, get tender breasts and am prone to anxiety. I will be asking the doctor to take a blood test to find out if I do have low progesterone.
In the mean time I have ordered some turmeric capsules and vitamin B6. I will start taking them in the hope that it will help me with my next pregnancy.
Hi Lucy, Thanks for the comment. Sounds like you are in the right track! Your doctor is right, it’s very common, but I know it’s still hard. Hope you are doing well and everything works out well.
Hi, I’m 34 years of age. I have suffered with pms for as far back as I can remember. Symptoms include extreme mood swings, depression and fatigue. Symptoms usually begin 7 days before period is due and then lift on day 2 of period.
2 1/2 years ago I had marena coil fitted purely for pms reasons. My moods completely stabilised and had no highs or lows at all. Problems being I got a bad nerve pain down my right leg and also got regular urine infections. 6 months later I had it removed and sure enough pms returned.
Soon after I got pregnant. During my pregnancy I had no mood swings or highs or lows, was in great form throughout the whole pregnancy. I breast fed for 1 year and had very slight symptoms of pms during that time. I finished breastfeeding 3 months ago and since then my pms has returned as bad as ever. Following some online research I went to the chemist to buy vitamins and supplements. Vit b. calcium, magnesium, zinc and evening primrose oil. I have been taking them for2 months now but have not noticed any improvement whatsoever. I am really up in limbo here, I cannot continue like this as now it’s not just me suffering it’s my baby too. I cry all the time and struggle to even find the energy to go out for walks.
So, my question is.. Is there any other way of controlling my hormone imbalance without going back on the pill? Is there such thing as a low progesterone drug? I know the mini pill is supposed to have the same ingredient as the marena coil. Would it help if I took a half a tablet every day instead of a full dose? I am not with my partner anymore so I do not need it for contraception use. I should mention that I did try 7 different pills since being a teenager bit the marena coil is the only thing that has ever helped. I can try the mini pill but don’t warn to risk getting urine infections, nerve pains and weight gain!
Please help!!
Hi Julie, Thanks for the comment! I would recommend one of my favorite books “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” by Dr. Christiane Northrup. She covers a lot about emotions and women’s health, which I think is a great way to explore things if you feel like your diet and exercise is good. I have a bit about this here: https://holistichormonalhealth.com/why-your-perfect-diet-isnt-fixing-your-health-issues/
I hope this helps, let me know what you think if you read it.
Hello Hannah: I’m almost 48 and have been having some eratic periods the past year. I think I’m in perimenopause. I have temp charted for years but stopped doing it a while ago. I restarted the past month to help me identify if/when I’m ovulating.
I noticed that the past month I had a long cycle (49 days) with no documented ovulation via temp charting, yet eventually I did bleed a ‘normal’ period. The same thing is happening this month. I’m on day 30 of my cycle with no ovulation in sight. (no temp rise – no biphasic pattern).
I do not have any breast tenderness or some more typical estrogen-dominant symptoms. I do have PMS some days, seemingly continuous wet cervical fluid (it has not felt really DRY in several months) as well as some very scant spotting between periods (may be only a few days).
It’s very hard to know where my cycles are at, at this point. Is the lack of ovulation likely related to my age and pre-menopausal status? I have an annual GYN appt coming up and plan to discuss this all with my doctor. Should I request hormone testing?
Thank you for any insights – they’d be greatly appreciated!
Hi Beth, Thanks for the comment.
It could definitely be due to age. Any chance you can ask your mom when she went through menopause or seemed to start noticing irregularities? A lot of times you will have a similar pattern to your mom (not always, though).
You can definitely bleed without ovulating, and it’s common during peri-menopause. Often progesterone levels will drop first, and then when closer to menopause estrogen levels will begin dropping as well. Perhaps your estrogen levels are now dropping and not quite reaching the levels you need to trigger LH and ovulation (hence a more constant cervical fluid pattern without ovulation.
If I were in your position I wouldn’t personally worry about it unless your mom went through menopause when she was much older than you. In that case possibly an outside source would be the case for you. Hope this helps :)
You seem so helpful. I am so confused.
I am 38. I have never been pregnant. I had bad experience of the pill when young – bleed all the time , docs tried differently pills. I then came off them. Helped me so much and changed to barrier methods. (Cap).
My then boyfriend now husband and I the just stopped using contracption altogether in 2002. So that’s 14 years regular sex no preganices.
In 2008 my periods got heavy and caused me to sever pain and I almost fainted. Eventually after much pushing the medics they found a large 12 cm cyst in me. I had a LAP operation to remove it and endometrosis. The lap tests gave the cyst a latin name not an ovarian cyst.
They wanted to put a merina coil in but I read so much bad stories I refused.
I generally improved the pain during my periods but was still uncomfortable and heavy. Since around last Sept my periods got heavier and lots of clots. After much pushing the medics again I got a Ultrasound and I have a fibroid. Not the biggest around 3cm.
I do not know if I want children or not. Me and my husband both feel the same if it happened it happens.
Yesterday I went to a gyno appointment and she says the only route for me is a Mirena Coil. They are going to give me a General Anestatic check me out and may remove the fibroid if the can and enter a mirena .
I just don’t want contracpation.
I don’t know if I do ovulate , I don’t know how my hormones are?
Doing lots of reading today trying to help myself.
Any advice?
Hi Deborah, I would try to get a second opinion from a doctor that is versed in actually fixing the problem. I would also recommend reading Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup, which has great info on mind/body connections regarding women’s health and a bit of diet stuff, as well. If you email me maybe I can help you find a doctor in your area. My email is on the contact page (under the about part of the navigation).
I did the saliva test a little over a year ago and it showed my progesterone levels are almost nonexistent in the mornings. I am exhausted ALL the time. I have zero energy. As a mom of two little kids, it is disheartening. What are some natural ways to boost energy and the top five foods to eat to boost progesterone and energy? Destressing isnt so much an option right now because we are under a tremendous amount of stress. I am going to work on getting in bed sooner, though. Help please! :)
Hi Melissa, thanks for the comment.
It sounds like it might be your adrenals. I would definitely work on getting to bed earlier. If you drink caffeine I would try going without. Also nettles (like a nettle infusion) are good for adrenals.
The very best thing you can do is de-stress. I know that it’s not easy to change what you have to do, but you can work on changing how it makes you feel. Easier said than done, I know, but I think that is going to give you the most results.
Hi Hannah: I posted a little further up from the most recent post. I’m 48 years old and experiencing what I believe are perimenopausal symptoms. I actually had blood work done, even though I’m on day 36 of my cycle, with no ovulation in sight. I figured it might be useful to have some blood work just to see where things are at.
My FSH is 36.8,
My LH is 33.2, and
My progesterone is 0.5.
Estradiol was put on the blood work order, but they didn’t record it, so I still need to see if that number is out there somewhere. These would appear to be perimenopausal numbers, yes? Clearly I’m not ovulating right now, and as I said in my earlier post, I have consistently moist mucus, but nothing that I would consider “fertile”. I have no breast tenderness and no other signs that are typical for me when I approaching ovulation or am experiencing it. I used to regularly get mittelschmerz, quite severely, in fact. I have not experienced that for a number of months now. Any input on these lab values would be greatly appreciated. I also realize they are simply ONE snapshot in time, and I have heard that they can fluctuate wildly in perimenopause. Thank you Hannah!
Not positive of the units on what you left, but the numbers do look peri-post menopausal. Your spot on that one snapshot wouldn’t necessarily say, nor would you really know without knowing where your body normally is. Here is some reference levels: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
i am 36 i lost my period since 6m i still trying to get a baby bfr one year progesterone low and i used progyluton for long time and i stoped it bfr 6m what i can do ?please help me
Hi Yeva,
That’s not much info, but I would suggest checking out my article on simple tips for hormonal health and finding a doctor that you trust (perhaps a more holistic doctor). Hope this helps!
Have low progesterone and planning on getting pregnant. Need some tips.
have Amh of 2.95ng/dl but have been suffering from vaginal dryness,painful &scanty mestruation,very low libido,fatigue and sleep disturbance for two years My last fsh was 7.26,Lh was 3.7,E2dropped from 288 to 96,prolactin 86.5 iam presently on cabagolin 0.5mg twice every week i have been trying to conceive for13months,my doctors cannot make a diagnosis pls can u help?
Have you done anything in terms of diet and lifestyle to see how they change your symptoms?
I definitely don’t have enough info, but just from the few things you mentioned it sounds like you may have low estrogen. It’s really difficult for me to make any guesses without having much more info (and I don’t know when your lab value’s were taken during your cycle). What is your weight like? Are you underweight?
I am 45. I had an endometrial ablation so my periods are next to non-existent; they would last 3 days and I would spot vs. my past bleeding non stop. I had this procedure almost 10 years ago. Now…I don’t think (i’m terribe at keeping track since I’ve always been irregular) i have had a cycle since August of 2013. I have gained weight (10 lbs in 6 mths), i’m having problems with acne, i’m tired but unable to fal asleep, i have fibrocystic breast tissue (just had one large one removed) and therefore, tender breasts. I think i am peri-meno but my dr thinks not yet so no bloodwork has been done. I have a low libido as well. Everything I have read points to low progesterone. Any thoughts or suggestions? My body shape is pear, so my weight gain is “lower half”. I also researched gaining weight in my bottom half; lipedema is what i found. Do you think this is all hormone related?? I appreciate your thoughts!
You could very well be Peri-menopausal, but some of your symptoms sound like they could be abated by general hormonal health upkeep. Definitely sounds like hormonal stuff, in general!
In terms of your weight gain, though, often the peri/menopausal weight gain is stomach, even if you have a pear shape to begin with, but it’s totally normal (and ok) to gain 10 lbs around menopause.
I would read and take into consideration my general hormonal health tips and also maybe pick up Susan Weed’s book on menopause. She offers a lot of info about using herbs for menopausal symptoms.
I would start with that and take stock of how you think your hormonal health is in general (another favorite book is Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (for the min/body connection with hormones and women’s health) and ways in which you could improve and see where that takes you.
Hi there,
I am 24 and have been suffering from extreme menstrual cramps since the first time I got my period, when I was 12. When I was 16, I went on the pill for about 3-4 years to try to get it under control. It worked for a little while but eventually the pain returned, so I stopped taking it. That was 4 years ago and since then I have altered my diet (cut out caffeine, meat, dairy, eggs, and eat very little gluten) and eat mostly fruits, veggies, beans, nuts and natural oils like olive oil. My cramps have gotten a little better, I can go to work most of the time if I’ve taken enough Advil, but still in a lot of pain. I have gone to two different gynecologist’s (who both tried to put me back on the pill) and a naturopath for a few months (but it got too expensive to keep going, so I’m not even sure if that was helping). Within the past 6 months though, the pain has moved to my lower back and side, and it was never there before. It used to hurt in between my thighs at the top, but not anymore. It always hurts in my abdomen. My back and abdomen is typically very swollen and tender during my period. I get cramps for the first day or two and then they go away. I’ve also experienced sharper pains in areas of my abdomen. Why is the pain changing and moving all of the sudden and is there anything I can do to finally get rid of this once and for all? Feeling frustrated and discouraged.
I should also say that I get an acne breakout a day or two before my period comes and I get breast pain and tenderness about a week beforehand.
Hey Rachel, have you ruled out endometriosis?
The gynecologist’s that I went to both said that is very difficult to tell if it is endometriosis without surgery to have a look inside. I am considering it since I feel like I am all out of other options.
Look into Mayan Abdominal Massage.
Also, check out http://www.cureendometriosis.com/
She is all about curing endometriosis naturally :)
You don’t know if that is what it is, but Mayan Abdominal Massage is not specific for endometriosis, but I have heard from people that it has helped that had endo. Let me know how it goes if you end up doing it.
Thank you for your advice, I will definitely look into that!
Do you have a product that helps for hot flashes?
Hi Boeksie,
I don’t sell any products here, but I recommend Susan Weed’s book about menopause where she talks about herbs that help with specific symptoms.
8months back i got a blighted ovum and my gyn did evacuation but i have failed to concieve again. Could there be a problem. Im very worried.
I wouldn’t worry yet, just get your hormonal health in gear and see where that takes you.
I’m Deepika, 25 yrs old. My Periods have never been regular. Had a miscarriage last year April. was put on birth control pills for 6 months by doctor. Since Nov 13 trying to conceive. But no luck. Started using clomid from last month. 50 mg and 21st day progesterone test was 6.8. Period was 29 days long. Doctor increased dose to 100mg this time. 21st day progesterone was very low, less than 0.1. That being said period is yet to begin, its my 38th day today( May 28). couple of home pregnancy tests came as negative. Can I be pregnant?Very stressed. Doctor told wait for couple of more days before doing blood work .Please let me know your thoughts
You may have ovulated really late (or not at all) despite the clomid. That seems like it might be the case because of your reading of progesterone on day 21. Ovulation time can vary and that is what makes your cycle length vary, so day 21 progesterone isn’t very accurate all of the time.
Clomid can also dry up your cervical fluid, which is necessary for sperm survival and mobility, so sometimes clomid isn’t the best route. Did your doctor try anything before clomid?
she(doctor) didn’t try anything before clomid. what if i’m pregnant this time and progesterone is low? it was the same situation when i miscarried last year. do you have any suggestions? should I ask my doctor for any alternative if my period happens, as i have clomid prescribed by doctor for one more cycle.
Generally a progesterone level under 3 would indicate that you haven’t ovulated in the past 14 days. Was that your progesterone level after the miscarriage?
I would recommend charting your cycles to get a better idea of what’s going on. You will know if and when you are ovulating, get a picture of your hormonal levels, see the quality of your cervical fluid, and (best part) see how your cycles change when you try different thing (such as anything with diet, lifestyle, herbs, etc.).
Are you signed up for my webinar coming up? I’ll be talking more about fertility awareness and giving away a free spot in my program to one person, as well! https://holistichormonalhealth.com/june-webinar/
Thanks for the info. its my 53rd day now. and I’m pregnant !! Looks like I ovulated so late. Blood work @ doctor office came back postive. HCG is more than doubling . first blood work came as HCG 17 n Prog 8.6, and then two days later HCG 54 n Prog 14.6, after next two days HCG 135 n Prog 11.9, at this point Dr put me on prometrium. Last blood work on Monday (06/09) came back with HCG 611 n Prog 20.7. Dr was happy with this result and have a UltraSound scheduled on 06/18. Looks like i’m on 5th week now. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for me
Congrats! Hope everything goes well for you :)
Hello My Ultrasound today didn’t find any fetal pole or heart beat but a yolk sac. per my doctor it looks like i may be 5-6 weeks now as I seem to have ovulated so late. I have been asked to do another UltraSound in 10 days. Very stressed and Scared. Not able to keep myself normal. Could this be normal. Last year when I miscarried it was a similar situation . UltraSound came back only with yolk sac and in the next couple of days I miscarried. This time i feel really pregnant as already feeling lot of nausea, tiredness, bit of throwing and bloating as well. Please let me know what do you think
I know it’s hard but don’t worry about it until you know, worrying won’t get you anywhere productive. Sending you good vibes.
hi im 45 and trying to conceive with my husband. my doctors told me my progesterone levels were .2 very low mayb heading towards menopause as I have not ovulated they said. how can I get my levels up where I may be able to conceive before its too late
You can see if natural methods like these work, but I’d also try going to a herbalist or maybe TCM doctor and see what else you can do. Since you don’t want to waste time trying think after thing it’s good to do everything natural you can but also add in maybe acupuncture, other herbs, maybe mayan abdominal massage, etc.
I’m 50. Have been having alot of shortness breath or I can’t take a full breath. Then my heart starts to pound.I do NOT have asthma and do not smoke. Feels like I can’t get enough air.Prior to this happening I”m relaxed and It just comes on me. My periods have been eratic. From having the shortness of breath I then get anxiety or have a panic attack. My Dr. put me on Ativan. The side effects from the ativan also give me shortness of breath and anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle.I rather not take pharmeceutical meds. I rather go the natural route. I did see a cardiologist to evaluate me as well.
The tests came back ok. I also tried GABA. That hasn’t really helped either and I combined it with L-theanine. What do you think of Kava tea? I also heard that Vitamin B5 Panothenic acid helps with anxiety. Does Red raspberry tea increase progesterone? Will it help with shortening the length of periods?
I have to be careful what I take because I do have a heart arrhythmia. My shortness of breath is not due to the arrhythmia. Do you have any suggestions as far as vitamins, herbs or tea that may help with the shortness of breath. Probably due to perimenopause? I just can’t take any stimulants bec. of the arrhythmia or any valerian.
This is one of my favorite books for menopause. She talks about different symptoms and ways you can manage them going from most holistic methods to least (you can click the cover to see the listing on amazon):


Thank you Hannah for your response. I will look into that book.. Also if you know of any safe herbs that may have a calming, sedative effect would be appreciated.One that may also calm heart palpatations. My Dr. also did
bloodwork. My TSH level was 1.20 and my free thyroxine was .95. They said it was within normal range.Didn’t suggest that I was hyperthyroid. They didn’t check estrogen, progesterone, or DHEA levels. The Dr. said it would not be a daily accurate reading, as the hormone levels are continuously fluctuating during perimenopause. Any further suggestions for natural remedies would be greatly appreciated. I’m having trouble functioning with all this trouble breathing. Thank you again.
I am 30 years old with a 1 year old son from a previous relationship. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now. I was on clomid for 6 months and that didn’t work. Then I had an vaginal exam and it was determined that I have PCOS. Doctor said i probably won’t conceive naturally again. He recommended that I try letazole, and IVF. I’m praying that this works for us. I really need help to see what esle i can do.
Hello, Im 38 and have come off birth control after 10 years. My first two cycles coming off were normal 27-28 day with a great bbt chart. However the last 5 months it has become irregular. I’ve been having a period every two weeks, heavy. Very crampless also. I had my hormones
checked, my estriadol is in the lower end of normal and progesterone shows I ovulate. Any ideas, my doctor isn’t sure. Ultrasound shows no fibroids or pops?
I couldn’t really tell you from that information, but you say the progesterone tests you are getting are showing you ovulate every two weeks? Have you been charting both bbt and cervical fluid? That would help paint a more full picture of what’s going on.
i am 35yrs and has bern suffering for irregular menses for some years now.it use to be regular but before convinced my first baby i was subjected to different treatment including using vitex and God answered my with a baby with i was given progesterone injection twice a week because of threatened abortion then till after 4 months but for almost 15 months after i delivered through c- section i have not menstruated since then and my last hormonal check my progesteone was 0.1 that means very very low i want to know how to increase and improve my fertility for another baby
please advice me i need help
Have been having repeated miscarriages.can it be low progesterone?
Yes, it could be. You may want to start charting your cycles and see what you observe.
We are trying now a Year , & a half to get pregnant ,to no avail. Today I am been referred to a fertility specialist as my Progesterone levels are 1.9 If anyone has any information on this some hindsight could someone shed some light on this subject
Was at doc today told reason cant get pregnant is low progesterone levels could anyone enlighten me about this subject as feeling sad upset , ready to cry
I had a Mirena IUD removed a couple of months back and I am thinking that it may have had an impact on my progesterone levels. One of the major things I have noticed is a dramatic increase in my anxiety at certain times of the month. Alongside this I have experienced headaches, trouble sleeping, wait gain around my stomach. My cycle is different to pre mirena was periods only lasting two days (previously it would have been 5). I tried to speak with my GP about it however they informed me that they did not believe hormones impacted mental health and he begrudginly ordered a blood test for progesterone… Do you feel like I may be down the right track??
Many thanks, Bridget
Hey Bridget, I thought I replied but it much have never gone through. It’s definitely normal to have crazy hormones after any kind of hormonal birth control use. I would try to follow some basic “healthy hormones” guidelines (have you seen my post for coming off the pill?) and go from there. If your symptoms persist then I would look into it throughly. Do you chart your cycles? Makes it super easy to see what’s going on hormonally. http://herfertility.com is my program for teaching you to chart your cycles.
hi hannah, i am 24 yrs .i was on depo from 19 to 21 yrs and got pregnant when i was 23 yrs even when i wasnt trying so i had a medical abortion last year october. i hav been having regular periods from november to june dis year eventhough it last for only two days. this month i had cervical mucus from the 12-17 day in my cycle which is normal for me but when it was one week to my period the cervical mucus started again up till yesterday and my period date was 14 july and its now 13 days late. i hav been feeling like throwing up for one week now , had unprotected sex in the 9 day of my cycle but my bf didnt come in me and pregnant test is negative. pls wat could be wrong wit me
Hi Hannah,
I am glad I happened across this article, not because I am planning any babies in the near future but because I struggle terribly with migraines.
I am 23 years old and terrified that I won’t be able to hold down a job let alone have the career I dream of with the burden of my migraines.
I am desperately trying to find a solution and recently stumbled upon the idea that links migraines to low levels of progesterone. Would you happen to know much about this?
I do have very bad muscle tension which I am working on and I do get the occasional migraine not linked to my period but otherwise I know that every month I will endure a monster of a migraine either just before, during or after menstruation.
I am on the pill which I know doesn’t help my case much but my mother who suffers the same as me went off the pill and found relief for a few months only for her migraines to return.
I do need a form of contraceptive and went on the pill initially to combat the cripplig cramps I used to get.
A doctor recently told me about a progesterone only contraceptive- implanon. It seems very new in South Africa and some of the reviews sound off putting but if it were to work for me, could it help in reducing my migraines?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kelly,
Migraines, when induced by hormones, are usually due to a sharp drop in estrogen levels. Whether that is due to your estrogen going lower than “normal” or a bigger sensitivity to low estrogen levels I’m not sure. I would say yours are definitely in that category if they happen right around your period, because that is when your hormones levels drop.
So far, I really haven’t heard of anything reliable that gets rid of people’s migraines, but I think it’s a good idea to sharpen up your hormonal health in any way that you can and also look into mind/body reasons for migraines and see if any of it rings true for you.
You can also look into acupuncture, which I have heard can be helpful for a lot of people.
Hi Hannah,
I was under quite a lot of stress this past year due to my relationship. A few months ago I changed everything around and I have been taking care of my body exercising, yoga, eating organic, nothing processed and I am not stressed anymore. I have lost 10 pounds and I’m feeling great. The only problem is that I have started getting night sweats a few days before and a couple days during my period. My theory was that since I lost fat there is an abundance of estrogen in my system and I’m having a hard time detoxifying. This is concerning me since I am only 28 and I’ve never had night sweats before. What do you think?
Thank you, Amanda
It could have something to do with losing weight. If that’s the case, though, it wont last too long. I would wait it out and see what happens while making sure you stick to nurturing your hormonal health… Then go from there. If you chart your cycles it’s always helpful to understanding your hormones better.