Lately, I have been reading a lot of reviews of Holly Grigg-Spall’s book Sweetening the Pill: how we got hooked on hormonal birth control. Big surprise: a lot of people aren’t taking it very well. Generally, people think that it is propaganda to tear down the feminist movement and “reduce women to their biological functions.”… Read More
Sex during your fertile phase
What are your options during the time that you are fertile in your cycle? Are you worried about using the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness because you still have time that you are fertile and you need to figure out protection during that time? I want to help you out with what your options are…. Read More
Birth control while breastfeeding
What is the best method of birth control while breastfeeding? The Lactation Amenorrhea Method (LAM) you can use if you are less than 6 months post-partum, are exclusively breastfeeding, and have not had a menstrual period. Though these characteristics have little to do with typical fertility awareness methods, LAM is often grouped with fertility awareness… Read More
7 reasons fertility awareness is a feminist act
Are you curious about the sympto-thermal method’s role in the life of a feminist? Are you worried that it isn’t woman positive enough? A lot of feminists get up in arms when anyone dares to disgrace the pill. The pill has been regarded as the catalyst to get women out of their role as nothing… Read More
Fertility awareness for the non-monogamous
It’s pretty standard: most people, including fertility awareness educators, recommend that you are in a committed relationship before using a fertility awareness method (you can learn more about the method here). And here I am, about to explain why this is crap. Why be on hormones when you don’t have to? If you are single,… Read More
Is the Lady-Comp/Pearly worth it?
Have you ever thought about getting a lady-comp for natural birth control? While it boasts great effectiveness, there are a few downsides. People ask me all of the time: “Should I splurge on a LadyComp? I see how effective they are and it seems like such an easy natural birth control method!” While LadyComp is… Read More
Guest post!
I wrote a guest post for talking about the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness. I go over what it is, how you can use it, benefits, drawbacks, how it works, and how to learn. Go check it out HERE.
How to check your cervical fluid for natural birth control use
Even though cervical fluid is the most important piece of using the sympto-thermal method, you may be tempted to not focus on it. Why? Confusion! You will have your own certain way your fluid looks, how much you have, and how long you have it for. It can be extremely difficult to just learn and… Read More
4 reasons the sympto-thermal method is green
Why you should choose the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness if you want a super eco-concious option In honor of earth day, and since I recently posted on menstrual product alternatives, I thought it would be an appropriate time to post about why the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness should be the method of choice… Read More
What everyone ought to know about birth control statistics
What is the difference between perfect and typical use and what that means for you Is one of your top priorities for your birth control method not getting pregnant? It’s a common, and valid, concern. While you can never really be sure of not getting pregnant (I’ve even been told a story by a lady… Read More