Photo by Linda Abbott
I don’t want you to feel like a piece of crap when you go to the doctor office.
I don’t want you to feel stuck and like you don’t have any options when it comes to birth control.
I don’t want you to feel like your lady-parts are only good for hurting and breaking.
I like to help you combat all of that by learning a really sweet birth control method called the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness (or just fertility awareness for short). You can find a boat-load of information on the method right here on this website, and if you are wondering if it’s for you you can learn more in a free course I put together (spoiler alert: the method is super effective, crazy-empowering, and can help you learn neat stuff about your hormones).
I believe that you deserve information about what you are doing to your body and fertility, and I am here to give you the information that is missing from the doctors office and mainstream media.
It’s no secret, I absolutely LOVE this method of birth control. But it’s not even just me, I consistently have clients telling me that it changed their life. That’s some serious stuff right there.
If you want a better idea of the basis of the method, go ahead and check this page out. Want to know even more? Subscribe for updates where I write new stuff about fertility and hormonal health all of the time.
More about me (Hannah)
I love teaching peeps how to read the simple fertility signs their bodies give them, how little tweaks can make a huge difference to their hormones and therefore their quality of life, and that birth control doesn’t have to be a game of picking the least obnoxious option. I started Holistic Hormonal Health both to help women become empowered in their family planning choices as well as understand their reproductive health more fully.
How did this all start?
I care a lot about health. That definitely includes my own health. Heck, I got my degree in nutrition. So, when it came to finding a good long term method of birth control, what was I to do? I didn’t want to touch anything hormonal. And, lets face it, there isn’t a whole lot you hear about other than hormonal contraceptives. Luckily, someone was awesome enough to recommend the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness to me. And after an awful 2 year stint with a copper IUD, I relished in being able to use this method easily and successfully.
As it is for most people, I was entirely terrified to use it at first. I wasn’t ready for a baby — at all. Not only that, but it just seemed hard. Finally, I just did it, and surprisingly, I found that not only is it simple, it is effective. And on top of the great method of birth control? It helped me become more body positive, it exposed some of the areas I wanted to work on my health, and I just felt in control and empowered.
I wanted to know why they didn’t teach young women this when they first got their periods, it seemed to be such an important life skill. I decided pretty quickly that I needed to share this with lots of women, but found that there were very few qualified instructors out there teaching classes. I knew it was my job to become a qualified teacher, and that is what I did.
I studied women’s health and fertility awareness like a crazy person until (finally) enrollment for a two year program opened up specifically to train women to become certified fertility awareness educators. I completed the program and am now a certified fertility awareness educator and have been teaching the method to lucky peeps since early 2013.
Other tid-bits you may be interested in
Besides women’s health and the sympto-thermal method, my other interests include sustainability, feminism, zero waste, cooking, yoga, sewing and knitting (particularly with upcycled materials), slack-lining, chickens, goats, gardens, permaculture, and many other things earthy, delightful, and simple. I currently live in San Diego, CA with my husband and toddler son (with number two taking up residence in my uterus).
And I’m buff. Clearly.
Into the idea of learning fertility awareness (because you are awesome!!!)? Check out my classes…